Grupo AgriMex-Holanda is a consortium of Dutch companies focused on the Mexican market. Strategically the goal of the consortium is develop opportunities to the Mexican market for long-term solutions and create opportunities to share knowledge, technology, equipment and materials, with a special initial focus on the poultry sector. In total, the Dutch government and the companies will invest through their active involvement together about one million euros.
Mexico is a country with a wide variety of opportunities for Dutch animal production companies, and especially for Grupo AgriMexi-Holanda, because of its large internal market and its growing export markets, a high level of production of especially poultry, eggs and pigs. Aeres Training Centre International is coordinator of the consortium.
The companies that are part of Grupo AgriMex-Holanda are dedicated to different animal production sectors from breeding technics, feed, housing, transportation to manure management, water and waste management.
- Schothorst Feed Research
- Ottevanger Milling Engineers BV
- Walinga Inc.
- Dutrion North America Ltd.
- Dorset Green Machines
- Twinpack BV
- Excentials / Orffa
- Marel Stork Poultry Processing
Aeres Training Centre International, Vencomatic Group and Pas Reform are partner of the consortium as well the Poultry Expertise Centre.
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